Scripture Verse

The Spirit Itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. Romans 8:16


Words & Mu­sic: Ho­mer L. Cox, 1907 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Cox (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O how well do I re­mem­ber
How I doubt­ed day by day,
For I did not know for cer­tain
That my sins were washed away.
When the Spir­it tried to tell me,
I would not the truth re­ceive;
I en­dea­vored to be hap­py
And to make my­self be­lieve.


But it’s real, it’s real!
O I know it’s real
Praise God, the doubts are set­tled,
For I know, I know it’s real!

When the truth came close and search­ing,
All my joys would dis­ap­pear,
For I did not have the wit­ness
Of the Spir­it bright and clear.
If at times the com­ing judg­ment
Would ap­pear be­fore my mind,
O it made me so un­ea­sy,
For God’s smile I could not find.


When the Lord sent faith­ful ser­vants
Who would dare to preach the truth,
How my heart did so con­demn me
As the Spir­it gave re­proof!
Satan said at once, Twill ru­in
You now to con­fess your state;
Keep on work­ing and pro­fess­ing,
And you’ll en­ter Hea­ven’s gate.


But at last I tired of liv­ing
Such a life of fear and doubt,
For I want­ed God to give me
Something I would know about,
So the truth would make me hap­py
And the light would clear­ly shine,
And the Spir­it gave as­sur­ance
That I’m His and He is mine.


So I prayed to God in ear­nest,
And not car­ing what folks said.
I was hun­gry for the bless­ing;
My pour soul—it must be fed.
Then at last by faith I touched Him
And, like sparks from smit­ten steel,
Just so quick sal­va­tion reached me.
O bless God, I know it’s real!
