Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32
Words & Music: Margaret J. Harris, in Spiritual Songs, edited by George A. McLaughlin, John M. Harris & Margaret J. Harris (Chicago, Illinois: Christian Witness Company, 1908), number 18 (🔊
Respectfully dedicated to the choir at Hollow Rock.
If you know where to get a good photo of Harris (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I long ago left Egypt
For the promised land,
I trusted in my Savior,
And to His guiding hand;
He led me out to vict’ry
Through the great Red Sea,
I sang a song of triumph,
And shouted, I am free!
You need not look for me,
Down in Egypt’s sand,
For I have pitched my tent
Far up in Beulah land;
You need not look for me,
Down in Egypt’s sand,
For I have pitched my tent
Far up in Beulah land.
I followed close beside Him,
And the land soon found,
I did not halt or tremble,
For Canaan I was bound;
My guide I fully trusted,
And He led me in,
I shouted, Hallelujah!
My heart is free from sin!
I started for the highlands
Where the fruits abound,
I pitched my tent near Hebron,
There grapes of Eschol found,
With milk and honey flowing,
And new wine so free;
I have no love for Egypt,
It has no charms for me.
My heart is so enraptured
As I press along,
Each day I find new blessings
Which fill my heart with song;
I’m ever marching onward
To that land on high,
Some day I’ll reach my mansion
That’s builded in the sky.