Scripture Verse

Did not our heart burn within us? Luke 24:32


Words & Mu­sic: Her­bert J. La­cey, 1920 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of La­cey (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


You ask me how I know that Je­sus saves me,
How I know that all my sins are white as snow;
You ask me how I know that He for­gave me;
Now list­en, I must tell you how I know.


I was there when it hap­pened,
And I ought to know;
His Spir­it burn­ing in me, set my heart aglow;
So I praise the Lord to­day,
He has washed my sins away;
I was there when it hap­pened,
And I ought to know.

You ask me how I know that He re­deemed me;
And how I re­ceived the peace no gold can buy;
How from the guilt and pow’r of sin He saved me,
Made me an heir to man­sions in the sky.


And now, as thru the world I go re­joic­ing,
I am tell­ing what a Sav­ior dwells with­in;
How I plunged in­to the cleans­ing, crim­son fount­ain,
And Je­sus washed my soul from ev’ry sin.
