May they who love You be like the sun.
Judges 5:31
Words: Miriam E. Arnold, in Zion’s Praises (Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, 1903), number 51.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Arnold, would you send us an e-mail?
I would be a little sunbeam,
Shining brightly all the day,
With its light and joy and gladness,
Driving all the clouds away.
Shining, shining,
Shining ever bright and fair;
Shining, shining,
Shedding sunlight everywhere;
Shining every day for Jesus,
Like a sunbeam pure and fair;
Driving out the gloom and sadness,
Shedding sunlight everywhere.
I would be a little sunbeam,
And with happy smile or song,
Cheer the hearts of those around me—
Make them cheerful, brave and strong.
I would be a little sunbeam,
Help me, Jesus, so to shine;
May the light of Thy dear Spirit
Fill this little heart of mine.