Scripture Verse

May they who love You be like the sun. Judges 5:31


Miriam Arnold (1865–1916)

Words: Mi­ri­am E. Ar­nold, in Zi­on’s Prais­es (La­mo­ni, Io­wa: Her­ald Pub­lish­ing House, 1903), num­ber 51.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Ar­nold,

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


I would be a lit­tle sun­beam,
Shining bright­ly all the day,
With its light and joy and glad­ness,
Driving all the clouds away.


Shining, shin­ing,
Shining ev­er bright and fair;
Shining, shin­ing,
Shedding sun­light ev­ery­where;
Shining ev­ery day for Je­sus,
Like a sun­beam pure and fair;
Driving out the gloom and sad­ness,
Shedding sun­light ev­ery­where.

I would be a lit­tle sun­beam,
And with hap­py smile or song,
Cheer the hearts of those around me—
Make them cheer­ful, brave and strong.


I would be a lit­tle sun­beam,
Help me, Je­sus, so to shine;
May the light of Thy dear Spir­it
Fill this lit­tle heart of mine.
