Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2
Words: W. A. Schell, in Great Revival Hymns No. 2, edited by Homer A. Rodeheaver & Bentley D. Ackley (Chicago, Illinois & Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Rodeheaver Company, 1913), number 18.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
If you know Schell’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I would be like Thee, Jesus, my Lord,
Gentle and loving, trusting Thy word;
Lowly in spirit, pure in my heart,
Living each day from all evil apart.
I would be like Thee, filled with Thy grace,
Till in Thy beauty, I look on Thy face;
I would be like Thee, lost in Thy love,
I would be like Thee in Heaven above.
I would be like Thee, humble in mind,
Growing more earnest, faithful and kind;
Seeking for souls, to save them from sin,
And for Thy kingdom their service to win.
I would be like Thee, speaking the truth,
Giving my life to God in my youth;
Listening for Thy message to me,
Spending my best days in working for Thee.
I would be like Thee, when I am tried,
Crushing out sin, temptation and pride;
All Thy commandments would I obey,
Learning Thy will, Thee to follow alway.