Scripture Verse

The Son of Man came…to give His life a ransom for many. Mark 10:45


Words: Em­ma­nu­el Rolfe, in The Mu­sic­al Sal­va­tion­ist, 1894. Rolfe wrote this song while work­ing for the Sal­va­tion Ar­my in Ja­mai­ca.

Music: Won­der­ful Love (Bain­bridge) Tho­mas Bain­bridge (?–1932) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bain­bridge (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one or Rolfe,

Emmanuel Rolfe (1853–1914)


Jesus came down my ran­som to be;
O it was won­der­ful love!
For out of the Fa­ther’s heart He came,
To die me for me on a cross of shame,
And from sin’s bond­age to re­claim;
O it was won­der­ful love!


Wonderful, won­der­ful, won­der­ful love,
Coming to me from Hea­ven above,
Filling me, thrill­ing me through and through;
O it was won­der­ful love!

Clear to faith’s vi­sion the cross re­veals
Beautiful act­ions of love;
And all that by grace e’en I may be
When saved, to serve Him eter­nal­ly.
He came, He died, for you and me;
O it was won­der­ful love!


His death’s a claim, His love has a plea;
O it is won­der­ful love!
Ungrateful was I to slight Thy call,
But, Lord, now I come, be­fore Thee fall,
I give my­self, I give up all,
All for Thy won­der­ful love.
