Scripture Verse

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34


Thomas B. Pollock (1836–1896)

Words: Tho­mas B. Poll­ock, 1870.

Music: Swed­ish Li­ta­ny Ko­ral­psalm­bok­en (Stock­holm: 1697) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:


Lamentation of Christ
Antony van Dyck (1599–1641)

Jesus, in Thy dy­ing woes,
Even while Thy life­blood floes,
Craving par­don for Thy foes;
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Savior, for our par­don sue,
When our sins Thy pangs re­new,
For we know not what we do:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

O may we, who mer­cy need,
Be like Thee in heart and deed,
When with wrong our spir­its bleed:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Jesus, pi­ty­ing the sighs
Of the thief, who near Thee dies,
Promising him pa­ra­dise;
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

May we, in our guilt and shame,
Still Thy love and mer­cy claim,
Calling hum­bly on Thy name:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

O re­mem­ber us who pine,
Looking from our cross to Thine;
Cheer our souls with hope di­vine:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Jesus, lov­ing to the end
Her whose heart Thy sor­rows rend,
And Thy dear­est hu­man friend:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

May we in Thy sor­rows share,
And for Thee all per­il dare,
And en­joy Thy ten­der care:
Hear us, holy Je­sus.

May we all Thy loved ones be,
All one ho­ly fa­mi­ly,
Loving for the love of Thee,
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Jesus, whelmed in fears un­known,
With our ev­il left alone,
While no light from Heav’n is shown:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Though no Fa­ther seem to hear,
Though no light our spir­its cheer,
Tell our faith that God is near:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Jesus, in Thy thirst and pain,
While Thy wounds Thy life­blood drain,
Thirsting more our love to gain:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Thirst for us in mer­cy still;
All Thy ho­ly work ful­fill;
Satisfy Thy lov­ing will:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

May we thirst Thy love to know;
Lead us in our sin and woe
Where the heal­ing wa­ters flow:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Jesus, all our ran­som paid,
All Thy Fa­ther’s will ob­eyed,
All Thy suf­fer­ings per­fect made:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Save us in our soul’s dis­tress,
Be our help to cheer and bless,
While we grow in ho­li­ness:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

Jesus, all Thy la­bor vast,
All Thy woe and con­flict past,
Yielding up Thy soul at last:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.

When the death shades round us low­er,
Guard us from the temp­ter’s pow­er,
Keep us in that tri­al hour:
Hear us, holy Je­sus.

May Thy life and death sup­ply
Grace to live and grace to die,
Grace to reach the home on high:
Hear us, ho­ly Je­sus.