Scripture Verse

His banner over me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: W. H. Mc­Na­mee, in Bright­est and Best, by Ro­bert Low­ry & W. How­ard Doane (New York: Big­low & Main, 1875), num­ber 66.

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Mc­Na­mee’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We’re march­ing in the ar­my
With shield and ban­ner bright;
Joyfully sing as we’re going
To Ca­naan’s hap­py city
Of glo­ry and of light,
Where love from the fount­ain is flow­ing;
To Je­sus our Sav­ior
Glad voic­es we’ll raise,
A song of sal­va­tion,
Sweet an­thems of praise,
To Him who hath saved us,
The An­cient of Days,
Jesus our bless­èd Re­deem­er.

A feast of love is Je­sus,
A ban­quet of de­light;
Joyfully sing as we’re go­ing;
The ci­ty of His dwell­ing
Is bathed in glo­ry bright,
Where love from the fount­ain is flow­ing;
Before Him we’ll wor­ship,
Upon Him we’ll gaze,
And stand in the beau­ti­ful
Courts of His praise,
With Him who hath saved us,
The An­cient of Days,
Jesus our bless­èd Re­deem­er.

O jas­per walls of Zion,
Thou ci­ty ev­er fair!
Joyfully sing as we’re go­ing;
Beyond the Jor­dan’s roll­ing
Thy beau­ty we shall share,
Where love from the fount­ain is flow­ing;
At home with our Sav­ior,
In joy and in praise,
With voic­es an­gel­ic,
Hosannas we’ll raise
To Him who hath saved us,
The An­cient of Days,
Jesus our bless­èd Re­deem­er.