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Scripture Verse

Sing aloud unto God our strength. Psalm 81:1


John B. Herbert (1852–1927)

Words: Mi­ner­va D. Bate­ham, Jan­ua­ry 1874.

Music: John B. Her­bert (🔊 ).

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Minerva D. Bateham (1856–1885)


I am Thine, my bless­èd Lord,
Thou hast died for me.
All I have and all I am,
Now be­longs to Thee;
Give me of Thy heav’n­ly store,
Grace to love and serve Thee more,
Let Thy blood, a cleans­ing flood,
Make me pure and free.


In Thy love and full­ness wide,
All my im­per­fect­ions hide,
Ever in my heart abide,
All in all to me.

Oft me­thinks I hear Thy voice,
I have died for thee;
What has thou to­day, My child,
Wrought in love for Me?

Only lit­tle du­ties done,
Trials borne and vic­to­ries won,
Small to show, yet this I know,
They were done for Thee.


Guided ev­er by Thy love,
All my way is bright;
Burdens Thou dost send me, Lord,
Borne for Thee are light.
While I close­ly cling to Thee,
What can harm or hin­der me?
Every day a lit­tle way
Nearer Heav­en and Thee.


So I’ll glad­ly jour­ney on
Toward my heav­en­ly home;
Walking in Thy strength alone,
Till the end shall come.
Then when Thy dear face I see,
This shall be my on­ly plea:
I have tried—but Thou hast died,
Died, dear Lord, for me.

In Thy love and full­ness wide,
All my im­per­fect­ions hide,
Jesus, Sav­ior, friend and guide,
Let me dwell with Thee!