Don’t stop children from coming to Me! Children like these are part of God’s kingdom.
Matthew 19:14
Words: Julia H. Johnston, in Bible Study Songs, by Bertha F. Vella & Daniel B. Towner (Boston, Massachusetts & Chicago, Illinois: Pilgrim Press, 1899), page 75.
Music: San Andreas James H. Rosecrans, 1899 (🔊
The lessons are of Jesus,
And what He taught below;
His words for us are written,
That we His will may know.
He loved the little children,
And took them in His arms,
And those who love and trust Him,
Are safe from all alarms.
He shows the path of duty,
And bids us all be true;
His words of heav’nly wisdom
Are ever fresh and new.
He calls us to be faithful,
Unselfish, brave, and kind,
And daily in His service
Our highest joy to find.
The teachings of our master,
Our listening ears have heard;
He promises to bless us—
We take Him at His word.
We long to know Him better,
To follow closer still,
To love and learn of Jesus,
And do His holy will.