The tender mercy of our God.
Luke 1:78
Words: Anonymous, in the Plymouth Sabbath School Collection, edited by John Zundel & H. E. Matthews (New York: A. S. Barnes, 1858).
Music: Luella (Whitney) Henry N. Whitney, in Songs of Gladness, by John E. Gould (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania: Garrigues Brothers, 1869), page 53 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good photo of Whitney or Adcock, would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus, tender Savior,
Hast Thou died for me?
Make me very thankful
In my heart to Thee;
When the sad, sad, story
Of Thy grief I read,
Make me very sorry
For my sins, indeed.
Now I know Thou lovest
And dost plead for me,
Make me very thankful,
In my prayers to Thee;
Soon I hope in glory
At Thy side to stand;
Make me fit to meet Thee
In that happy land.
Take my hand and lead me,
I am very weak;
Words of love and kindness
Teach me how to speak;
Thou art good and gentle,
So my heart would be;
Keep me, blessèd Savior,
Ever close to Thee.