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Scripture Verse

Name which is above every name. Philippians 2:9


Edward J. Hopkins

Words: Ber­nard of Clair­vaux, 12th Cen­tu­ry (Je­su dul­cis mem­or­ia). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Al­fred Ed­ers­heim (1825–1889).

Music: Cul­ford Ed­ward J. Hop­kins, in The Tem­ple Church’s Chor­al Ser­vice, 1867 (🔊 ).

Bernard of Clairvaux


Jesu, name of sweet­est thought,
Name with ev­ery bless­ing fraught—
But be­yond all bless­ings here,
Is Thy pre­sence, Je­su, dear.

O Thou rich­est song of all,
Sweetest sound that e’er can fall,
Charmèd thought for­ev­er nigh—
Jesu, Son of God, on high!

Hope of con­trite hearts and meek,
Jesu, near to them that seek—
If to those who ask so kind,
Lord, what is it Thee to find!

Jesu, joy of hearts, most bright,
Spring of truth and in­ward light,
Sweetest joy of Heav­en above,
Far ex­ceed­ing hu­man love.

Human speech it can­not say,
Pen it can­not e’er por­tray,
He who loves alone can sing
What it means to Him to cling!

Shut thy door, my wea­ry heart,
Seek at night the bet­ter part—
Day or night, wher­e’er I be,
Seeks my love Thy face to see.

Magdalene, in morn­ing gray,
Goes to see where Je­sus lay—
Longs my heart for vi­sion bright,
Longs my heart for bet­ter sight.

Fills my voice the emp­ty tomb,
Jesus is not in its gloom—
Let me at His feet be cast,
Holds my love the Ris­en fast.

Jesu, won­drous king art Thou!
Victor-laurels deck Thy brow;
Thou art al­to­ge­ther fair,
Bliss in Thee be­yond com­pare.

With us stay, Re­deem­er dear,
On us shed Thy bright­ness here;
Chase the dark­ness of the night,
Fill the world with sweet­est light!

For Thy bless­èd pre­sence, Lord,
Gives the know­ledge of Thy word;
Fetters of the earth it breaks,
Ardent love with­in awakes.

Love of Je­sus, oh, how meet!
Love of Je­sus, oh, how sweet!
Thousand times more glo­ri­ous far,
Than our high­est prais­es are.

This Thy bit­ter pas­sion shows,
And the pre­cious blood that flows—
Gracious par­don now is sealed,
And the Fa­ther’s face re­vealed.

Jesus, then, let all adore,
Now let all His grace im­plore;
Seek in Him to have your part—
Seeking, love shall fill your heart.

Thus we fee­bly own the love
Richly pour­èd from above;
Own, in grace, His pre­cious grace,
Haste to see His bless­èd face.

Jesu, spring of pi­ty high,
Jesu, hope of ev­ery joy,
Source of grace and glo­ry bright,
Thou of hearts the true de­light!

Who may ful­ly sing Thy praise?
Faltering voic­es here we raise—
Dare we, filled with joy­ous love,
Mingle songs with saints above?

Oh, then, let me taste and see,
Lord, Thy gra­cious love to me—
Jesus, by Thy pre­sence dear,
Let me feel Thy glo­ry here!

Jesu, Thy di­lect­ion,
Sweetest heart’s re­flect­ion,
Never sa­ti­ates, ev­er fills,
Longing meets but nev­er stills.

They who eat will hun­ger more,
Thirst anew who drank be­fore—
Oh, the long­ing lux­ury
Of the heart that pants for Thee!

Wouldst the joy of Je­sus know?
Must thy heart in love o’er­flow—
Satisfied in Him, and blest,
Finds the soul eter­nal rest.

Jesus, praise of an­gels high,
Song of sweet­est me­lo­dy,
Honey from the rock Thou art,
Heavenly nec­tar in the heart.

Thousand times I long for Thee,
Come, O Je­sus, come to me;
Gladden, Lord, my heart in grace,
Satisfy me with Thy face!

Ever-flow­ing stream of love,
Ever waft­ing hearts ab­ove—
Love that sweet­est fruit will bear,
Fruit of life eter­nal there.

O Thou depth of love un­told,
Joy that e’er the heart doth hold,
Sovereign mer­cy un­sur­passed,
Let Thy kind­ness hold me fast.

Yes, to love, it is most blest—
Lord, Thy­self my sole re­quest;
Let all van­ish then and flee,
Let me live, from hence, in Thee!

Thou art my eter­nal part,
Hope of ev­ery pray­ing heart—
Inmost long­ing of the meek,
Tears of pe­ni­tence Thee seek!

Though I wan­der far and wide,
Will I seek Thee by my side;
Oh what joy to find Thee near!
Oh what bliss to hold Thee here!

Fills the heart de­light un­told,
Heavenly fel­low­ship I hold;
Could such joys for­ev­er last,
All too quick­ly they are past!

What so long I asked, I see
What I sought I have in Thee;
And, while joy­ing in Thy love,
Long the more for Thee above.

Love which from Thy lov­ing flows,
Neither change nor end it knows,
Fails not, los­es not its glow,
Evermore must bright­er grow.

Love that fresh de­sire awakes,
Meeting it most bless­èd makes;
Love, de­light­ing, knows aright,
Knowing, tastes of fresh de­light.

Love which heav­en­ly love im­parts,
Love which dwells in in­most hearts,
Love which light­ens up the mind,
Pleasure true alone can find.

Oh what sweet and ho­ly fire,
Oh what ar­dent, blest de­sire,
Oh what rich re­flect­ion,
Loving Thee, eter­nal Son!

Blossom of the vir­gin womb,
Heavenly light in earth­ly gloom;
Humbled once, to glo­ry raised,
And in songs eter­nal praised!

Come, oh come, most glo­ri­ous King,
Thou, whose prais­es an­gels sing;
Ever longs our soul for Thee,
Help us clear­er now to see!

Brighter than the sun­light calm,
Fragrant more than sweet­est balm;
Better Thou, more pre­cious, dear,
Than our brok­en plea­sures here.

Every sense and taste is filled,
Every yearn­ing, Lord, is stilled
Thou alone canst be the part,
Jesu, of each lov­ing heart.

Thou, heart’s de­lec­ta­tion,
Thou, love’s con­sum­ma­tion,
Thou, best con­so­la­tion,
Jesu, our sal­va­tion!

Thou hast con­quered, glo­ri­ous,
And re­turned vic­tor­ious;
Yet though now en­throned on high,
Ever Thou to us art nigh!

Art Thou ris­en, and reign’st above?
I am bound to Thee in love;
Never art Thou far from me—
Gracious Lord, I fol­low Thee!

Heavenly de­ni­zens draw nigh,
Lift the jew­eled gates on high,
And to Christ tri­um­phant sing:
Jesus, hail! of glo­ry King!

King of glo­ry, King of might,
King of vic­to­ry most bright;
Blessèd Je­su, full of grace,
Image of the Fa­ther’s face—

Thou, the Truth, the Life, the Way—
Thou, the Sun of end­less day,
Chase our sor­row’s dark­some night,
Pouring down Thy glo­ri­ous light!

Praise the Lord, thou heav­en­ly choir,
Answer, thou se­raph­ic lyre,
While a joy­ous, ran­somed earth
Sings the sto­ry of her birth.

Reign, O Lord! in peace most blest—
Reign in sweet, un­brok­en rest;
Ah! how longs each wea­ry heart
There to have its joy­ous part.

To the Fa­ther gone art Thou,
Entered Heav­en’s glo­ry now;
And my heart is gone from me,
Bound, O Christ, in love to Thee!

Lord, we fol­low with our praise—
Vows, and pray­ers, and hymns we raise;
Grant, O Christ, eter­nal­ly
There to dwell in light with Thee!