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Scripture Verse

Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led captivity captive. Psalm 68:18


Words: Will­iam Ham­mond (1719–1783).

Music: Jo­se­phine Er­nest R. Kroe­ger, 1901 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ham­mond (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Ernest Kroeger (1862–1934)


Jesus, who died a world to save,
Revives and ris­es from the grave,
By His al­migh­ty pow­er;
From sin, and death, and hell set free,
He cap­tive leads cap­ti­vi­ty,
And lives to die no more.

Lo! how He bursts the bonds of death,
And re­as­sumes His vi­tal breath,
To make our ti­tle good;
May all our souls to Heav’n as­pire,
In thought, in will, in strong de­sire,
To earth­ly plea­sure dead.

With thank­ful hearts we look and see
Our Sav­ior clothed with ma­jes­ty
Triumphant o’er the tomb;
Yet though our Lord is hon­ored thus,
Still all His thoughts are fixed on us,
He’ll take us to His home.

His church is all His joy and crown,
He looks with love and pi­ty down
On her He did re­deem;
He tastes her joys, He feels her woes,
And prays that she may spoil her foes,
And ev­er reign with Him.