Scripture Verse

Leave me for now, but when it is convenient, I will send for you. Acts 24:25


Words & Mu­sic: John M. Whyte, in Band Mu­sic, ed­it­ed by David Sa­vage & J. H. Ha­tha­way (To­ro­nto, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da: Will­iam Briggs, 1886), num­ber 6 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Whyte (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Why do you wait a con­ve­ni­ent day?
Jesus is call­ing you now;
Why do you turn from His plead­ing away?
Jesus is call­ing you now.
He stands at the door of your heart just now,
The dews of the morn­ing
Are on His brow.
He is there wait­ing and call­ing you now;
O will you not come to Him now?


Will you not come to Him now?
Will you not trust in Him now?
Just now, right now,
O hear Him, He’s call­ing you now.

Days have gone by, and the months and the years,
Jesus is call­ing you now;
Joys have de­part­ed, and sor­row ap­pears,
Jesus is call­ing you now.
The pro­mise you made Him was ne­ver kept,
When down by the grave­side
You mourned and wept;
Turn to Him now, and His free grace ac­cept;
O will you not come to Him now?


Darkness is deep­en­ing, and oh, ’tis so late!
Jesus is call­ing you now;
What if the Spir­it left you to your fate?
Jesus is call­ing you now.
Escape for thy life, tar­ry not, O soul,
Escape for thy life,
You may miss the goal.
And if you miss it, what hor­rors, O soul!
O will you not come to Him now?
