Scripture Verse

Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:4


Words: Jes­sie E. Strout, in Hymns of the Morn­ing, ed­it­ed by Charles C. Bar­ker (Con­cord, New Hamp­shire, Charles W. Sar­gent, print­er, 1872).

Music: George E. Lee (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Strout or Lee (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Lift up the trum­pet, and loud let it ring:
Jesus is com­ing again!
Cheer up, ye pil­grims, be joy­ful and sing:
Jesus is com­ing again!


Coming again, com­ing again,
Jesus is com­ing again!

Echo it, hill­tops; pro­claim it, ye plains:
Jesus is com­ing again!
Coming in glo­ry, the Lamb that was slain;
Jesus is com­ing again!


Heavings of earth, tell the vast, won­der­ing throng:
Jesus is com­ing again!
Tempests and whirl­winds, the an­them pro­long;
Jesus is com­ing again!


Nations are an­gry—by this we do know
Jesus is com­ing again!
Knowledge in­creas­es; men run to and fro;
Jesus is com­ing again!
