While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Words: Frank Allaben (1867–1927).
Music: Jouard T. Calvin & Farel Jouard, 1903 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
If you know when this hymn was written, or where to get a good photo of Allaben or the Jouards, would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus, my Savior, died, nailed to the tree—
Cruelly crucified, stricken for me!
Darkness there shut Him in!
God judged Him for my sin!
Jesus, my soul to win, died there for me!
Jesus, my Savior, rose out of the grave!
Captive He led my foes, my soul to save!
Jesus in Heaven now, glory upon His brow,
Calleth to men below, sinners to save!
Jesus, my Savior, lives for me above;
Mercy and grace He gives freely in love;
By my infirmity tenderly moved is He;
Sweet is His sympathy, sweet is His love!
Jesus! beyond the sky, now on God’s throne,
Looking with loving eye down on Thine own;
Soon in that wondrous place
Sweetly we’ll sing Thy grace,
Gazing upon Thy face—all of Thine own!