Scripture Verse

Go and wash in Jordan. 2 Kings 5:10


Words & Mu­sic: Ada J. Blenk­horn, 1910 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ada J. Blenkhorn (1858–1927)


Naaman Washes in the Jordan

Would your heart be free from sin,
Have the peace of God with­in?
There’s a Jor­dan ri­ver flow­ing by;
Would you whit­er be than snow?
To its cleans­ing wa­ters go;
There’s a Jordan ri­ver flow­ing by.


Flowing by, flow­ing by,
There’s a cleans­ing Jor­dan ri­ver
Flowing by;
Flowing by, flow­ing by,
Plunge be­neath its heal­ing wa­ters,
Help is nigh.

Have you sought in vain for rest,
Doubted whe­ther God knows best?
There’s a Jor­dan river flow­ing by;
Naaman found God’s word was true;
It will be the same with you,
There’s a Jor­dan ri­ver flow­ing by.


Are you tempt­ed to de­clare
Other wat­ers are more fair,
There’s a Jor­dan river flow­ing by;
He hath spok­en, Wash, be clean,
Hard up­on His pro­mise lean,
There’s a Jor­dan ri­ver flow­ing by.


O, the Sav­ior’s wound­ed side
Crimsons all this river’s tide,
There’s a Jor­dan ri­ver flow­ing by;
He alone hath pow­er to save,
Trust Him for the cleans­ing wave,
There’s a Jor­dan river flow­ing by.
