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Scripture Verse

Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before Me. Jonah 1:2


Arthur F. Ingler (1873–1935)

Words: W. E. S., in The Joy Bells of Ca­naan, or Burn­ing Bush Songs No. 2, ed­it­ed by Duke M. Far­son et al. (Wau­ke­sha, Wis­con­sin: Me­tro­po­li­tan Church As­so­ci­ation, 1905), num­ber 31.

Music: Ar­ranged by Ar­thur F. Ing­ler (🔊 ). Al­so see Ov­er There.

If you know the au­thor’s full name, or where to find a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


In the Bi­ble we are told
Of a pro­phet who was called
To a ci­ty that was steeped in aw­ful sin;
All the peo­ple in that place
Were de­void of sav­ing grace,
And the pro­phet seemed afraid to en­ter in.


Over there, ov­er there,
In that land bright and fair,
Oh, he’ll tell me all about it ov­er there;
On the hal­le­lu­jah strand
I’ll take Jo­nah by the hand,
And he’ll tell me all about it ov­er there.

Then this pro­phet forth was sent
That old Ni­ne­veh might re­pent,
But in­stead of that to Tar­shish he set sail;
Oh! the winds be­gan to blow,
Overboard did Jo­nah go,
And he found a mer­cy seat in­side the whale.


In the cold and bri­ny deep
Tears of grief did Jo­nah weep,
And the big fish threw him out up­on the shore;
Then he glad­ly went his way,
Preached to Ni­ne­veh night and day,
And he did not care to back­slide any more.


Oh, some peo­ple don’t be­lieve
That a whale could him re­ceive.
But that does not make my song at all un­true;
There are whales on ev­ery side,
With their big mouths op­en wide—
Just take care, my friend, or one will swal­low you.


Many souls are tossed about
By the whales of fear and doubt,
But the Sav­ior wants to take them by the hand.
If they will His voice ob­ey,
He will save them right away,
And will guide them safe­ly to the pro­mised land.


Jonah in Nineveh
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