Now we see but a poor reflection…then we shall see face to face.
1 Corinthians 13:12
Words: Mrs. T. C. Ferguson, in Jewel Songs, by Mr. & Mrs. John T. Benson (Nashville, Tennessee: Pentecostal Mission Publishing, 1910), number 178.
Music: Arranged by Robert E. Winsett (🔊
). Also see Jonah and the Whale.
If you know Ferguson’s full name, or where to get a good photo of her (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
In a manger far away,
Once the Prince of Glory lay,
But the kings of earth would not
The Savior greet;
But the wise men from afar,
Brought Him frankincense and myrrh,
And the shepherds came
And worshiped at His feet.
Over there, over there,
In that land so bright and fair,
He will tell us all about it over there;
On that happy, golden strand,
We’ll take Jesus by His hand,
And He’ll tell us all about it over there.
In the temple, we are told,
He was found when twelve years old,
And the people at His knowledge
Were surprised;
His examples then should be
Followed now by you and me,
Tell the lost that He
Will heed their earnest cries.
And when He became a man,
Then according to God’s plan,
Was baptized by John in Jordan,
And behold:
Heavens opened from above,
And God’s Spirit, like a dove,
Came down, and His Father’s
Voice was heard, we’re told.
By the Spirit He was led
To the wilderness, ’tis said,
To be tempted, but He overcame with power,
And to Naz’reth then He came,
And the Gospel did proclaim,
Many people turned against
Him from that hour.
And at last those wicked men,
Full of envy and of sin,
Nailed our blessèd Savior to the cruel tree;
But triumphant from the grave,
He arose with power to save,
And from sin He wants
To set the captive free.