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OVER THERE (Ferguson)

Scripture Verse

Now we see but a poor reflection…then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Words: Mrs. T. C. Fer­gu­son, in Jew­el Songs, by Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ben­son (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Pen­te­cost­al Mis­sion Pub­lish­ing, 1910), num­ber 178.

Music: Ar­ranged by Ro­bert E. Win­sett (🔊 ). Al­so see Jo­nah and the Whale.

If you know Fer­gu­son’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Robert E. Winsett


In a man­ger far away,
Once the Prince of Glo­ry lay,
But the kings of earth would not
The Sav­ior greet;
But the wise men from afar,
Brought Him frank­in­cense and myrrh,
And the shep­herds came
And wor­shiped at His feet.


Over there, ov­er there,
In that land so bright and fair,
He will tell us all about it ov­er there;
On that hap­py, gold­en strand,
We’ll take Je­sus by His hand,
And He’ll tell us all about it over there.

In the tem­ple, we are told,
He was found when twelve years old,
And the people at His know­ledge
Were sur­prised;
His ex­amples then should be
Followed now by you and me,
Tell the lost that He
Will heed their ear­nest cries.


And when He be­came a man,
Then ac­cord­ing to God’s plan,
Was bap­tized by John in Jordan,
And be­hold:
Heavens op­ened from above,
And God’s Spir­it, like a dove,
Came down, and His Fa­ther’s
Voice was heard, we’re told.


By the Spir­it He was led
To the wil­derness, ’tis said,
To be tempt­ed, but He ov­er­came with pow­er,
And to Naz’reth then He came,
And the Gos­pel did pro­claim,
Many peo­ple turned against
Him from that hour.


And at last those wick­ed men,
Full of envy and of sin,
Nailed our bless­èd Sav­ior to the cru­el tree;
But tri­um­phant from the grave,
He arose with pow­er to save,
And from sin He wants
To set the cap­tive free.