He is risen.
Matthew 28:6
Words: Claire Sumner, 1909.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Sumner (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Easter day has come once more,
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!
Peal the tidings o’er and o’er,
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!
Night and gloom have passed away,
Death is ended, and decay;
Jesus Christ is ris’n today;
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!
Ring, ring, ring, merry joy-bells, ring!
Sing, sing, sing, happy voices, sweetly sing!
Christ arose o’er the last of foes;
Glad bells, ring; happy voices, sweetly sing.
Spring comes smiling to the land,
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!
Fair and pure the lilies stand,
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!
Birds are singing clear and sweet,
Blossoms spring up ’neath our feet,
Heav’n bends low the earth to greet;
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!
Spread the seeds of hope abroad,
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!
Peal the triumph of the Lord,
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!
Comfort every aching heart,
Dry the tears of pain that start,
Bid despair and grief depart;
Ring, ye joy-bells, ring!