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Mighty to Save

Scripture Verse

I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Isaiah 63:1


Words & Mu­sic: Charles Coll­er, in The Mu­sic­al Sal­va­tion­ist, 1920 (🔊 ).

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Charles Coller (1863–1935)


Joyful news to all man­kind,
Jesus is migh­ty to save;
All who seek shall sure­ly find
Jesus is migh­ty to save.
Sinners may re­linq­uish wrong,
Faltering hearts may now be strong;
Sound the tid­ings right along,
Jesus is migh­ty, is migh­ty to save.


Jesus is migh­ty to save,
Jesus is migh­ty to save;
From the ut­ter­most, to the ut­ter­most,
Mighty to save!

Though as scar­let be the stains,
Jesus is migh­ty to save;
Though as steel the bind­ing chains,
Jesus is migh­ty to save.
His the glo­ri­ous sac­ri­fice;
His the blood which paid the price;
His the love doth now en­tice;
Jesus is migh­ty, is migh­ty to save.


Fearful soul, dis­card thy fears,
Jesus is migh­ty to save;
Seeker, haste to dry thy tears,
Jesus is migh­ty to save.
With as­sur­ance seek His face,
Doubt no more His love and grace,
Give Him now His right­ful place,
Jesus is migh­ty, is migh­ty to save.


Since His blood for thee was shed,
Jesus is migh­ty to save;
Since He lives who once was dead,
Jesus is migh­ty to save.
While in con­flict we en­gage,
When the storms around shall rage,
All our earth­ly pil­grim­age,
Jesus is migh­ty, is migh­ty to save.
