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Scripture Verse

The Lord God is a sun and shield. Psalm 84:11


Horatius Bonar (1808–1889)

Words: Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar, Hymns of Faith and Hope, se­cond ser­ies (Lon­don: James Nis­bet, 1861), pag­es 57–58.

Music: Sun and Shield Ho­ra­tio W. Par­ker, 1895 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

Horatio W. Parker


Jesus, sun and shield art Thou;
Sun and shield for­ev­er!
Never canst Thou cease to shine,
Cease to guard us nev­er.
Cheer our steps as on we go,
Come be­tween us and the foe.

Jesus, bread and wine art Thou,
Wine and bread for­ev­er!
Never canst Thou cease to feed,
Or re­fresh us nev­er.
Feed we still on bread di­vine,
Drink we still this heav­en­ly wine!

Jesus, love and life art Thou,
Life and love for ev­er!
Ne’er to quick­en shalt Thou cease,
Or to love us nev­er.
All of life and love we need
Is in Thee, in Thee in­deed.

Jesus, peace and joy art Thou,
Joy and peace for ev­er!
Joy that fades not, chang­es not,
Peace that leaves us nev­er.
Joy and peace we have in Thee,
Now and through eter­ni­ty.

Jesus, song and strength art Thou,
Strength and song for ev­er!
Strength that nev­er can de­cay,
Song that ceas­eth nev­er.
Still to us this strength and song
Through eter­nal days pro­long.