I saw a new Heaven and a new earth: for the first Heaven and the first earth were passed away.
Revelation 21:1
Words: Louise Lapp, 19th Century.
Music: McKee African-American spiritual, arranged by Harry T. Burleigh (1866–1949) (🔊
If you know when the words or music were written, or where to get Lapp’s picture (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
John saw the Heav’n and earth made new,
The first had passed away,
The holy city coming down,
The new Jerusalem.
And God Himself shall dwell with men,
And wipe away all tears,
There is no sorrow, pain or death,
Throughout the coming years.
Behold, I make all things anew,
These faithful words are true,
To him who overcometh sin,
On earth with God shall rule.
In beautiful Jerusalem,
God’s glory gives it light,
All kings and nations walk in it,
For there shall be no night.