Jesus, Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.
Luke 23:42
Words: Richard Burnham, 1796, alt.
Music: Sawley James Walch, 1860 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Walch (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus, Thou art the sinner’s friend;
As such I look to Thee;
Now, in the fullness of Thy love,
O Lord, remember me.
Remember Thy pure Word of grace,
Remember Calvary’s tree,
Remember all Thy dying groans,
And then remember me.
Thou wondrous advocate with God,
I yield my soul to Thee;
While Thou art pleading on the throne,
Dear Lord, remember me.
Lord, I am guilty, I am vile,
But Thy salvation’s free;
Then, in Thine all abounding grace,
Dear Lord, remember me.
Howe’er forsaken or despised,
Howe’er oppressed I be,
Howe’er forgotten here on earth,
Do Thou remember me.
And when I close my eyes in death,
And human help shall flee,
Then, then, my dear redeeming God,
O then remember me.