Scripture Verse

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. Isaiah 6:3


Wilson T. Hogue (1852–1920)

Words: Wil­son T. Hogue, in the Free Me­tho­dist Hym­nal (Wi­no­na Lake, In­di­ana: Free Me­tho­dist Pub­lish­ing House, 1910), num­ber 24.

Music: Lu­ther Tho­mas Hast­ings (1784–1872) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Hastings (1784–1872)


Jehovah, Thee we praise,
The tri­une God adore;
To Fa­ther, Son and Spir­it raise
Glad an­thems ev­er­more,
Glad an­thems ev­er­more.

Thou art exalt­ed high,
Thrice ho­ly is Thy throne;
With sin­less ser­aphs would we vie
To make Thy glo­ry known,
To make Thy glo­ry known.

Thrice ho­ly, Lord, they cry,
Before Thy throne above;
Thrice ho­ly, we on earth re­ply,
Thou God of light and love,
Thou God of light and love.

Thou art the so­ve­reign Lord
Of an­gels and of men;
We bow sub­miss­ive to Thy Word,
Nor shall we bow in vain,
Nor shall we bow in vain.

Accept, O God of grace,
The of­fer­ing which we bear
Before Thee, as to Heav’n we raise
Our voice in praise and pray­er,
Our voice in praise and pray­er.