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Scripture Verse

Cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. Leviticus 25:9


David E. Dortch (1851–1928)

Words: Ro­bert P. Kerr, in Tid­ings of Joy (Co­lum­bia, Ten­nes­see: Da­vid E. Dortch, 1878).

Music: Da­vid E. Dortch (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kerr (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The sil­ver trum­pets call,
The glad­some ju­bi­lee!
The fet­ters now must fall;
The bonds­men may go free!
For Je­sus has the ran­som paid,
And the new way to glo­ry made.
The sil­ver trum­pets call,
The glad­some ju­bi­lee!

Let Heav’n and earth agree
To sound His fame abroad,
Thro’ whom the ju­bi­lee
Calls back the world to God.
How fer­vent­ly His heart doth burn,
To see His ban­ished ones re­turn!
Let Heav’n and earth agree
To sound His fame abroad.

Lost Ed­en is re­stored;
All hail the ju­bi­lee!
Let Je­sus be adored
For grace so full and free.
Ye rui­ned souls, no long­er roam;
No more des­pise your blood-bought home.
Lost Ed­en is re­stored;
All hail the ju­bi­lee!

The Gos­pel bu­gle blow
O’er ev­ery land and sea,
Till Sa­tan’s cap­tives know
That Je­sus makes them free!
Soon may He see them, born again,
The hap­py sub­jects of His reign.
The Gosp­el bu­gle blow
O’er ev­ery land and sea.