Before Him shall be gathered all nations, and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats…He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.
Matthew 25:32-33
Words & Music: James D. Vaughan, 1904, alt. (🔊
The terrible day of judgment is coming,
Its dawning is drawing near;
The trumpet’s loud call will say to all nations,
Before the dread bar appear.
O that terrible, terrible day,
O that terrible, terrible day,
It’s coming to me, it’s coming to you,
That day is coming to all.
The good will be placed on the right of the Savior,
The bad on the left, away;
Each one will receive reward for his labor,
O where will you stand that day?
O have you e’er thought of the last separation,
When Jesus the Judge will say:
Depart to the regions of darkness eternal
Are you ready to meet that day?