The day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace. On that day the arrogant and the wicked will be burned up like straw. They will be consumed—roots, branches, and all. But for you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.
Malachi 4:1–2
Words & Music: Haldor Lillenas, in The Revival No. 6 (Atlanta, Georgia: Charlie D. Tillman, 1910), number 165 (🔊
Sinner spurning mercy’s hand,
Judgment day is coming;
Where O where then will you stand?
Judgment day is coming;
Fires of hell are burning still,
Awful vengeance to fulfill;
Sinner, yield your stubborn will,
Judgment day is coming.
Coming, coming, coming soon,
Judgment day and hopeless doom;
Cast into eternal gloom,
Judgment day is coming.
Skies are clear and bright today,
Judgment day is coming;
And your heart is light and gay,
Judgment day is coming;
Soon you’ll hear the thunder roll,
Bringing anguish to your soul;
Writing on a burning scroll,
Judgment day is coming.
Tenderly the Savior pleads,
Judgment day is coming;
Still for you He intercedes,
Judgment day is coming;
Will you spurn His loving plea?
Sinner, I have died for thee;
Heavy laden, come to Me,
Judgment day is coming.
Will you lose your precious soul?
Judgment day is coming;
Soon the bells of death will toll,
Judgment day is coming;
O how swift the moments fly,
And how fleet the years go by;
Soon ’twill be your time to die;
Judgment day is coming.