Scripture Verse

When wilt Thou come unto me? Psalm 101:2


Addison Ballard (1822–1914)

Words: Ad­di­son Ball­ard, cir­ca 1895, alt.

Music: Crox­ley Green Ed­ward A. Free­man (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Free­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Just as Thou art; to me, a child,
Self ban­ished and un­re­con­ciled,
To win through pa­tient mer­cy mild,
Come, Fa­ther, un­to me.

Just as Thou art; with­out delay,
Although to res­cue me Thy way
Grows dark with Cal­va­ry’s bloody day,
Come, Je­sus, un­to me.

Just as Thou art; my guil­ty soul
Beyond my strug­gling will’s con­trol,
To cleanse from sin and make me whole,
Come, Spir­it, un­to me.

Just as Thou art; blest Three in One,
Accepting, as it were my own,
The praise of what is Thine alone;
Come, Fa­ther, Spir­it, Son.