Scripture Verse

Our Savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. 2 Timothy 1:10


Words: Kit­tie Dea­son, 1906.

Music: Dan W. Mi­lam (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Dea­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Mi­lam,

Dan W. Milam (1881–1955)


A Sav­ior once came from the man­sions of light,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me;
To save my poor soul from its dark­ness and night,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me.


He’s just the right Sav­ior for me,
My king and Re­deem­er is He;
Yes, just the right Sav­ior is Je­sus,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me.

This Sav­ior was loving, so gen­tle and kind,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me;
No sin in His life could His ene­mies find,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me.


Tho’ He was des­pised and re­ject­ed of men,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me;
He car­ried my sor­rows, my griefs and my sin,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me.


Once nailed to the cross, where He suf­fered and died,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me;
The blood flow­ing down from His hands and His side,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me.


Tho’ bur­ied, He rose from the gloom of the grave,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me;
He’s reign­ing in Hea­ven, my soul He can save,
He’s just the right Sav­ior for me.
