Scripture Verse

Why will you die? Ezekiel 33:11


Words: Charles W. Ray, The Re­viv­al Help­er (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: S. Brai­nard’s Sons, 1893), pag­es 16–17.

Music: Har­ley An­der­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ray or An­der­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Jesus is wait­ing, wait­ing in sor­row,
Waiting to save you, com­ing so nigh;
Why will you grieve Him wait­ing the mor­row?
Hear the sweet whis­per: Why will you die?


Soon with heart ach­ing,
Trembling and quak­ing,
Mercy and fa­vor you will im­plore;
Why should you grieve Him?
Why not re­ceive Him?
Soon the death an­gel will stand at the door.

Jesus is wait­ing, why will you long­er,
Grieving the Spir­it, turn Him away?
Vainly you wait that you may grow strong­er,
Danger comes near­er while you de­lay.


Jesus is wait­ing, why will you tar­ry?
Gratefully hast­en, bid Him come in;
Why should you long­er mourn­ful­ly carry
All the dark load and bur­den of sin?
