Scripture Verse

A soft answer turneth away wrath. Proverbs 15:1


Abigail J. Patton (1829–1892)

Words & Mu­sic: Abi­gail J. Pat­ton, in Songs of Praise for Sab­bath Schools and Fa­mi­lies (Mont­ré­al, Qué­bec, Ca­na­da: John Lo­vell, 1851) (🔊 pdf nwc).


Kind words can ne­ver die,
Cherished and blest;
God knows how deep they lie,
Stored in the breast;
Like child­hood’s sim­ple rhymes,
Said o’er a thou­sand times,
Aye, in all years and climes
Distant and near.
Kind words can ne­ver die,
Never die, ne­ver die;
Kind words can ne­ver die,
No, ne­ver die.

Sweet thoughts can ne­ver die,
Tho’, like the flow’rs,
Their bright­est hues may fly,
In win­try hours.
But when the gen­tle dew
Gives them their charms anew,
With many an add­ed hue
They bloom again.
Sweet thoughts can ne­ver die,
Never die, ne­ver die,
Sweet thoughts can ne­ver die,
No, ne­ver die.

Our souls can ne­ver die,
Tho’ in the tomb
We all may have to lie,
Wrapped in its gloom.
What tho’ the flesh de­cay,
Souls pass in peace away,
Live thro’ eter­nal day
With Christ above.
Our souls can ne­ver die,
Never die, ne­ver die
Our souls can ne­ver die,
No, ne­ver die.