Scripture Verse

Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24


Words: Lu­cy C. S. Dough­er­ty, in Kind Words, ed­it­ed by G. W. Lin­ton & How­ard Teas­dale (Mem­phis, Ten­nes­see: Sun­day School Board, Sou­thern Bap­tist Con­ven­tion, 1871), num­ber 3.

Music: Se­guin How­ard M. Teas­dale, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Dough­er­ty or Teas­dale (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Kind words, kind words, O who can tell
The won­ders of your ma­gic spell;
Like lov­ing angels, pure and bright,
Ye breathe a mes­sage of de­light.


Living, dy­ing, kind words be
Earth’s good an­gels, help­ing me.

Kind words, kind words, when hearts are light,
We need you still to keep them bright;
Ye give to ev­ery joy a glow
Like sun­light spark­ling on the snow.


Kind words, kind words, in time of grief,
Ye come with speed to our re­lief,
And tho’ ye may not ban­ish care,
Ye help the strick­en heart to bear.


Kind words, kind words, so sweet to hear,
O bless the wide world, far and near;
In spok­en thought, or ho­ly song,
Go and re­deem the world from wrong.