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Scripture Verse

The city of my God, which is new Jerusalem. Revelation 3:12


Words: George T. Cos­ter; writ­ten at Bed­ford Park, Lon­don, Au­gust 18, 1897, and pub­lished in the Con­gre­ga­tion­alist week­ly The In­de­pen­dent, Jan­ua­ry 27, 1898.

Music: Ci­ty of Light Ar­thur V. Cos­ter (1864–1931) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of George or Ar­thur Cos­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


King of the Ci­ty Splen­did,
Eternal in the height,
May all our coun­try’s ci­ties
Grow ho­ly in Thy sight;
Cleansed from the deeds of dark­ness—
Cities of light.

Teach love to glad­den child­ren
That know not child­hood’s mirth,
Wronged of their rights—no beau­ty
In their scant reach of earth;
To hope’s large sun­shine give them
A se­cond birth.

Give joy to all the joy­less,
Song’s voice to sor­rows dumb,
May light in­vade with bless­ing
Each dark and death­ly slum;
Into earth’s realms of hor­ror
Thy King­dom come!

Soon may our coun­try’s ci­ties
Thy robe of glo­ry wear;
Each place of toil a tem­ple,
Each house a home of pray­er;
Each ci­ty’s name of beau­ty—
The Lord is there!