Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory.
Psalm 24:10
Words: Charles R. Scoville, 1916.
Music: Haldor Lillenas (🔊
Oh, my soul is all aflame,
How I love the precious name,
Jesus, the King of Glory;
Unto Him my praise I give,
For His kingdom I will live,
Jesus, the King of Glory.
Jesus, the King of Glory,
Sacred in song and story,
Mighty monarch, king above,
Reigning in the courts of love,
Jesus, the King of Glory.
He who died to set me free,
Shall my king forever be,
Jesus, the King of Glory;
To His cause I’ll ever give,
For His kingdom I will live,
Jesus, the King of Glory.
Continents and islands, too,
We will surely win for You,
Jesus, the King of Glory;
Sea to sea and shore to shore,
Thou shalt reign forevermore,
Jesus, the King of Glory.
Earth and Heav’n unite to sing,
Glad hosannas to our king,
Jesus, the King of Glory;
Universal is His sway,
To Him gates of death give way,
Jesus, the King of Glory.