Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.
1 Corinthians 2:9
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Christian Songs (New York & Chicago: Biglow & Main, 1872), page 111.
Music: Better Land William F. Sherwin (🔊
Life has many a pleasant hour,
Many a bright and cloudless day;
Singing bird and smiling flower,
Scatter sunbeams on our way;
But the sweetest blossoms grow
In the land to which we go.
Earth has many a cool retreat,
Many a spot to memory dear;
Oft we find our weary feet
Lingering by some fountain clear;
Yet the purest waters flow
In the land to which we go.
Like a cloud that floats away,
Like the early morning dew,
Here the fairest things decay,
There, are pleasures ever new.
Only joy the heart will know
In the land to which we go.
’Tis the Christian’s promised land;
There is everlasting day;
There a Savior’s loving hand
Wipes the mourner’s tears away;
Oh! the rapture we shall know
In the land to which we go.