There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4
Words: Mrs. T. M. Griffin, in Shook’s Song Evangelist (Cleveland, Ohio & Chicago, Illinois: S. Brainard’s Sons, 1883), number 45.
Music: Winnipeg L. B. Shook (🔊
If you know Griffin or Shook’s full name, or where to get their photos, would you send us an e-mail?
No day is dark and dreary,
In the land that’s far away;
No one is worn and weary
In the land that’s far away.
No friends are ever parted;
No tear is ever started;
No one is broken hearted,
In the land that’s far away.
No trouble and no sighing,
In the land that’s far away;
No weeping for the dying,
In the land that’s far away;
No lonely one forsaken;
No soul by sin o’ertaken;
No night from which to waken,
In the land that’s far away.
No thought or dream of sadness,
In the land that’s far away;
The heights are crowned with gladness,
In the land that’s far away.
The Father, without measure,
Is pouring from His treasure
Delight and peace and pleasure,
In the land that’s far away.