Our Savior, Christ Jesus…has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.
2 Timothy 1:10
Words: Aldine S. Kieffer, in Gospel Songs and Hymns No. 1, edited by George B. Holsinger (Bridgewater, Virginia: George B. Holsinger, 1898), number 114.
Music: Böblingen Jacob M. Showalter (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Showalter (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Far beyond life’s gloomy portals,
Far beyond earth’s clouds and night;
Lies the land of bright immortals,
Bathed in living, shining light.
Forward, then, with brave endeavor;
Forward, it can not be long
Till the soul shall rest forever
In the land of love and song.
To that land my feet are wending,
Thro’ the dark and dreary day;
But my soul ofttimes is blending
With a song that cheers the way.
Patient be, O heart so lowly;
Patient be, O soul so sad!
In the end thou shalt find only
Joy, peace, love to make thee glad.
For the hand of Christ is leading
Thee thro’ all this border land;
And thy feet, tho’ bruised and bleeding,
Soon will touch the shining strand.