The Lamb is the light thereof.
Revelation 21:23
Words: Charles Edmunds, in Saving Grace, edited by Alonzo Stone & Adam Geibel (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Stone & Bechter, 1898), number 44, alt.
Music: Charles A. Bechter (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Edmunds or Bechter (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Far away beyond the shadows
Of the world, with all its care,
There’s a land where glorious sunlight never dies;
Where the Father has prepared for us
A mansion bright and fair,
Where He summons all His loved ones to the skies.
Fair land of sunshine, bright are thy skies;
To thee with longing I lift mine eyes;
Dear ones are calling, calling to me,
Waiting my coming over the sea.
There the Savior sits in glory
On His throne of royal might,
While the angel hosts, adoring, round Him fall;
The triumphant chorus swelling,
From the seraphs pure and bright,
As they hail the gentle Savior Lord of all.
There are many loved ones yonder
Who will bid us welcome home
When our journeying and trials here are o’er;
And our spirits shall be wafted
Safe across the swelling tide
To the golden strand of Heaven’s sunlit shore.
We shall gladly hear the message
When He bids us, Rise and come,
And we lay our every earthly burden down;
On an angel’s snowy pinions
We shall speed to yon bright home
And will wear the spotless robe and heav’nly crown.