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Scripture Verse

At Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11


Alexander Campbell (1788–1866)

Words: Al­ex­an­der Camp­bell, in A Ge­ne­ral Se­lect­ion of the New­est and Most Ad­mired Hymns and Spir­it­ual Songs Now in Use, ed­it­ed by Stith Mead (Rich­mond, Vir­gin­ia: Sea­ton Grant­land, 1807).

Music: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, Gold­en Show­er (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: J. C. Gar­rigues, 1862), num­ber 8 (🔊 ).

William Bradbury


There is a land of plea­sure,
Where streams of joy for ev­er roll,
’Tis there I have my trea­sure,
And there I long to rest my soul.
Long dark­ness dwelt around me,
With scarce­ly once a cheer­ing ray,
But since my Sav­ior found me,
A lamp has shone along my way.
But since my Sav­ior found me,
A lamp has shone along my way.

My way is full of dan­ger,
But ’tis the path that leads to God;
And like a faith­ful sol­dier,
I’ll march along the heav­en­ly road;
Now I must gird my sword on,
My breast­plate, hel­met, and my shield,
And fight the hosts of Sa­tan
Until I reach the heav­en­ly field.
And fight the hosts of Sa­tan
Until I reach the heav­en­ly field.

I’m on the way to Zi­on,
Still guard­ed by my Sav­ior’s hand;
O, come along, dear sin­ners,
And view Em­ma­nuel’s hap­py land:
To all that stay be­hind me,
I bid a long, a sad fare­well!
O come! or you’ll re­pent it,
When you shall reach the gates of hell.
O come! or you’ll re­pent it,
When you shall reach the gates of hell.

The vale of tears sur­rounds me,
And Jor­dan’s cur­rent rolls before;
O! how I stand and tremble,
To hear the dis­mal wa­ters roar!
Whose hand shall then sup­port me,
And keep my soul from sink­ing there?
From sink­ing down to dark­ness,
And to the re­gions of des­pair?
From sink­ing down to dark­ness,
And to the re­gions of des­pair?

This stream shall not af­fright me,
Although it take me to the grave;
If Je­sus stand be­side me,
I’ll safe­ly ride on Jor­dan’s wave:
His word can calm the ocean,
His lamp can cheer the gloomy vale:
O may this Friend be with me,
When through the gates of death I sail!
O may this Friend be with me,
When through the gates of death I sail!

Come, then, thou king of ter­rors,
Thy fa­tal dart may lay me low;
But soon I’ll reach those re­gions
Where ev­er­last­ing plea­sures flow:
O sin­ners, I must leave you,
And join that bless­ed im­mor­tal band,
No more to stand be­side you,
Till at the judg­ment bar we stand.
No more to stand be­side you,
Till at the judg­ment bar we stand.

Soon the arch­an­gel’s trum­pet
Shall shake the globe from pole to pole.
And all the wheels of na­ture
Shall in a mo­ment cease to roll.
Then we shall see the Sav­ior,
With shin­ing ranks of an­gels come,
To exe­cute His ven­geance,
And take His ran­somed people home.
To exe­cute His ven­geance,
And take His ran­somed peo­ple home.