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Scripture Verse

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. Psalm 32:8


Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936)

Words: Rud­yard Kip­ling, Puck of Pook’s Hill (New York: Dou­ble­day, Page, 1906), The Child­ren’s Song, Vol­ume 1, pag­es 276–77. See al­so Fa­ther in Heav­en, Who Lov­est All.

Music: Tru­ro from Psal­mo­dia Ev­an­ge­li­ca, by Tho­mas Will­iams, 1789 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:


Land of our birth, we pledge to thee
Our love and toil in the years to be;
When we are grown and take our place
As men and wo­men with our race.

Father in Heav’n, who lov­est all,
O help Thy child­ren when they call;
That they may build from age to age
An un­de­fil­èd he­rit­age!

Teach us to bear the yoke in youth,
With stead­fast­ness and care­ful truth;
That, in our time, Thy grace may give
The truth where­by the na­tions live.

Teach us to rule our­selves al­way,
Controlled and clean­ly night and day,
That we may bring, if need arise,
No maimed or worth­less sac­ri­fice.

Teach us to look in all our ends,
On Thee for judge, and not our friends,
That we, with Thee, may walk un­cowed
By fear or fa­vor of the crowd.

Teach us the strength that can­not seek,
By deed or thought, to hurt the weak,
That, un­der Thee, we may pos­sess
Man’s strength to com­fort man’s dis­tress.

Teach us de­light in sim­ple things,
And mirth that has no bit­ter springs,
Forgiveness free of ev­il done,
And love to all men ’neath the sun!

Land of our birth, our faith, our pride,
For whose dear sake our fa­thers died;
O mo­ther­land, we pledge to thee
Head, heart and hand through the years to be!