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Scripture Verse

Ye shall see the Son of Man ascend. John 6:62


Words: Ar­thur T. Rus­sell, in Hymns for Pub­lic Wor­ship and Pri­vate De­vo­tion (Lon­don: 1848).

Music: As­cen­dit De­us Jo­hann G. Schicht, All­ge­mein­es Chor­al­buch (Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny: 1819) (🔊 ). The tune was gi­ven this name and set to these words in the 1908 Ox­ford Hymn Book.

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Rus­sell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Johann G. Schicht (1771–1832)


The Lord as­cend­eth up on high,
The Lord hath tri­umphed glo­ri­ous­ly,
In pow­er and might ex­cel­ling;
The grave and hell are cap­tive led,
Lo! He re­turns, our glo­ri­ous head,
To His eter­nal dwell­ing.

The heav­ens with joy re­ceive their Lord,
By saints, by an­gel hosts ad­ored,
O day of ex­ul­ta­tion!
O earth, ad­ore thy glo­ri­ous king!
His ris­ing, His as­cen­sion sing
With grate­ful ado­ra­tion!

Our great high priest hath gone be­fore,
Now on His Church His grace to pour,
And still His love He giv­eth;
O may our hearts to Him as­cend;
May all with­in us up­ward tend
To Him who ev­er liv­eth!