Ye shall see the Son of Man ascend.
John 6:62
Words: Arthur T. Russell, in Hymns for Public Worship and Private Devotion (London: 1848).
Music: Ascendit Deus Johann G. Schicht, Allgemeines Choralbuch (Leipzig, Germany: 1819) (🔊
). The tune was given this name and set to these words in the 1908 Oxford Hymn Book.
If you know where to get a good picture of Russell (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The Lord ascendeth up on high,
The Lord hath triumphed gloriously,
In power and might excelling;
The grave and hell are captive led,
Lo! He returns, our glorious head,
To His eternal dwelling.
The heavens with joy receive their Lord,
By saints, by angel hosts adored,
O day of exultation!
O earth, adore thy glorious king!
His rising, His ascension sing
With grateful adoration!
Our great high priest hath gone before,
Now on His Church His grace to pour,
And still His love He giveth;
O may our hearts to Him ascend;
May all within us upward tend
To Him who ever liveth!