Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:29
Words: Georgia C. Elliott, in Echoes from Glory, edited by Barney E. Warren & Daniel S. Warner (Grand Junction, Michigan: Gospel Trumpet Publishing, 1893), number 102.
Music: Table Mountain Andrew L. Byers, 1893 (🔊
I am learning of my Savior,
Precious lessons every hour;
How the soul, which He has ransomed,
May be kept by mighty power.
I am learning, I am learning,
Precious truth in Jesus’ word;
I am learning, I am learning,
Of the lovely Lamb of God.
Learning more and more to love Him,
Yielding all into His will;
While a joy beyond all utterance,
Thro’ and thro’ my soul doth thrill.
I am learning how to serve Him
With my hands, my heart, my feet;
And each day my Master’s service
To my soul becomes more sweet.
I am learning how to trust Him
With my life and for all things;
And my soul, filled with His glory,
In exceeding gladness sings.