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LEAD THOU ME (Kimbrough)

Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


J. S. Kimbrough

Words: J. S. Kim­brough, in The Best Gos­pel Songs and Their Com­pos­ers (Dal­ton, Geor­gia: A. J. Sho­wal­ter, 1904), num­ber 50.

Music: Ma­ple­wood Frank B. Smith (🔊 ).

If you have ac­cess to a bet­ter pho­to of Kim­brough, would you send us an e-mail?

Frank B. Smith (1882–1968)


Along life’s path­way lead Thou me,
My stay and com­fort ever be,
While on my wea­ry pil­grim way,
Dear Sav­ior, lead me day by day.


O lead me when the way is dark,
And tem­pest tossed is my frail bark;
And when I cross cold Jor­dan’s stream,
Upon Thine arms O let me lean.

When waves of sor­row o’er me roll,
And doubts and fears op­press my soul,
O let me still Thy foot­steps see,
And hear Thy voice still call­ing me.


When from Thee, Lord, my feet would stray,
And wan­der from Thy fold away,
O draw me by Thy love and grace,
To seek again my Sav­ior’s face.


And when life’s con­flict shall be o’er,
Its griefs and cares op­press no more,
Across death’s dark and stor­my sea,
O bless­èd Sav­ior, lead Thou me.
