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Scripture Verse

Now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2


Words: Stan­ley J. Hen­ry, 1905, alt.

Music: Ma­ry L. Stocks (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hen­ry or Stocks (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Let it be now! The choice is be­fore us;
Come, while the Sav­ior so ten­der­ly yearns;
Let it be now, Heav’n’s joy-bells in chor­us
Ring out the tidings—a lost one re­turns!


Let it be now, O let it be now!

Let it be now, if life is be­gin­ning,
Now on the thresh­old of days yet to be;
Losing your life, a new one you’re win­ning,
A life that will last thro’ eter­ni­ty.


Let it be now, tho’ years have been squan­dered,
Living for this world in plea­sure or sin;
Pardon He will, tho’ far you have wan­dered,
Grant you His Spir­it—a new life with­in.


Let it be now, tho’ life is de­clin­ing,
Feebler the step, and fast fail­ing the sight;
Why should you lin­ger, hope­less, re­pin­ing?
Trust Him, He’ll grant you at ev­en­tide light.


Let it be now! Come, help­less, be­liev­ing,
Pleading His meri­ts, in low­li­ness bow;
Pardon and cleans­ing, new life re­ceiv­ing,
O let it be now! Yes, let it be now!
