Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Revelation 3:11
Words & Music: Clarence M. Seamans, 1915. Appeared in The Golden Sheaf No. 2 (Boston, Massachusetts: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1916), number 112 (🔊 ).
If you know where to get a good photo of Seamans (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Hold fast what thou hast!
Cling to truth until the last!
All Heav’n is looking down;
For God and the right
With a mighty courage fight,
Let no man take thy crown!
Hold fast! Hold fast!
All Heav’n is looking down;
Hold fast! Hold fast! Hold fast!
Let no man take thy crown!
Hold fast what thou hast!
Tho’ the skies be overcast,
And storm clouds darkly frown;
Be brave and be true,
Never fear to dare and do!
Let no man take thy crown!
Hold fast what thou hast!
Hear the trumpet’s mighty blast!
Stand firm! be not cast down!
Strife will not be long,
Soon we’ll hear the victor’s song,
Let no man take thy crown!