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Scripture Verse

A fountain opened…for sin and for uncleanness. Zechariah 13:1


Words: Em­ma F. Fisk, in Sac­red Me­lo­dies, Nos. 1 & 2 Com­bined, by Ed­ward C. Avis & Jo­shua Gill (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Mc­Don­ald, Gill & Com­pa­ny, 1886), num­ber 155.

Music: G. K. A. (🔊 ).

If you know the com­pos­er’s name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Fisk, would you send us an e-mail?


Are your garments always spotless,
Are they washed in Je­sus’ blood?
Do they always keep the cleansing
Of the purifying flood?
Do they ne­ver show the soiling
Of your sins upon their white?
Will they always bear the searching
Of the Ho­ly Spir­it’s light?


Let your garments be spotless,
Always pure and bright;
Thro’ the precious blood of Je­sus
Keep them ever clean and white.

Let no anger soil their beauty,
Let no bitterness remain;
Oh, be sure no trace of envy
Leaves upon your robes its stain.
Let no love of worldly pleasure
Cast unholy shadows there,
Fully cleanse them from the mildews
Of anxiety and care.


Let all pride and love of glo­ry,
Gold and fame be washed away;
Trembling heart, your fears and doubtings
’Neath the pool of cleansing lay.
Never after try to find them,
They are lost beneath the tide;
Christ would have you all your shrinking
In this precious fountain hide.


Oh, then ever keep your garments
Whiter than the driven snow,
Wear the royal robes of Heav­en
While you tarry here below;
That thro’ yonder pearly portals
Joyful entrance you may win,
Clothed in raiment cleansed for­ev­er
From the fingerprints of sin.
