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Scripture Verse

Ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. Hebrews 1:14


Philipp Melanchthon (1497–1560)

Words: Phi­lipp Me­lanch­thon, in De An­ge­lis Duo Hym­ni (Wit­ten­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1534) (Di­ci­mus gra­tes ti­bi, sum­me re­rum). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Ge­rman by Paul Eber in Ein schön new geist­lich Lob­ge­sang (Nur­em­berg, Ger­ma­ny: cir­ca 1554) (Herr Gott, dich lo­ben alle wir), and from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ema­nu­el Cron­en­wett in the Ohio Lu­the­ran Hym­nal, 1880, alt.

Music: Old 100th, at­trib­ut­ed to Lou­is Bour­geois, in Four Score and Se­ven Psalms of Da­vid (Ge­ne­va, Swit­zer­land: 1551) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bour­geois (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Emanuel Cronenwett


Lord God, we all to Thee give praise,
Thanksgivings meet to Thee we raise,
That an­gel hosts Thou didst cre­ate
Around Thy glo­ri­ous throne to wait.

They shine with light and heav’n­ly grace
And con­stant­ly be­hold Thy face;
They heed Thy voice, they know it well,
In god­ly wis­dom they ex­cel.

They ne­ver rest nor sleep as we;
Their whole de­light is but to be
With Thee, Lord Je­sus, and to keep
Thy lit­tle flock, Thy lambs and sheep.

The an­cient dra­gon is their foe;
His en­vy and his wrath they know.
It al­ways is his aim and pride
Thy Chris­tian people to di­vide.

As he of old de­ceived the world
And in­to sin and death was hurled,
So now he subt­ly lies in wait
To ru­in school and Church and state.

A roar­ing lion round he goes,
No halt nor rest he ev­er knows;
He seeks the Chris­tians to de­vour
And slay them by his dread­ful pow­er.

But watch­ful is the an­gel band
That fol­lows Christ on ev­ery hand
To guard His people where they go
And break the coun­sel of the Foe.

For this, now and in days to be,
Our praise shall rise, O Lord, to Thee,
Whom all the an­gel hosts adore
With grate­ful songs for­ev­er­more.