There remaineth a rest to the people of God.
Hebrews 4:9
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems 1740.
Music: Evan William H. Havergal, 1847. Arranged by Lowell Mason in New Carmina Sacra (Boston, Massachusetts: Wilkins, Carter & Company, 1850) (🔊
Lord, I believe a rest remains
To all Thy people known,
A rest where pure enjoyment reigns,
And Thou art loved alone.
A rest where all our soul’s desire
Is fixed on things above;
Where fear, and sin, and grief expire,
Cast out by perfect love.
A rest of lasting joy and peace,
Where all is calm within;
’Tis there from own works we cease,
From pride, and self, and sin
Our life is hid with Christ in God;
The agony is o’er;
We wrestle not with flesh and blood,
We strive with sin no more.
Our spirit is right, our heart is clean,
Our nature is renewed;
We cannot, no we cannot sin,
For we are born of God.
From every evil motion freed,
The Son hath set us free,
On all the powers of hell we tread,
In glorious liberty.
Redeemed, we walk on holy ground,
In Christ we cannot err:
No lion in that way is found,
No ravenous beast is there!
Safe in the way of life, above
Death, earth, and hell we rise;
We find, when perfected in love,
Our long sought paradise.
Within that Eden we retire,
We rest in Jesu’s name;
It guards, as a wall of fire,
And a sword of flame.
O that I now the rest might know,
Believe, and enter in!
Now, Savior, now the power bestow,
And let me cease from sin.
Remove this hardness from my heart,
This unbelief remove:
To me the rest of faith impart,
The Sabbath of Thy love.
I groan from sin to be set free,
From self to be released;
O take me, take me into Thee,
Mine everlasting rest.
I would be Thine; Thou know’st I would,
And have Thee all my own:
Thee, O my all-sufficient good,
I want, and Thee alone.
Thy name to me, Thy nature grant!
This, only this, be given:
Nothing beside my God I want,
Nothing in earth and Heaven.
Come, O my Savior, come away,
Into my soul descend!
No longer from Thy creature stay,
My author and my end!
The bliss Thou hast for me prepared
No longer be delayed;
Come, my exceeding great reward,
For whom I first was made.
Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
And seal me Thine abode!
Let all I am in Thee be lost,
Let all I am be God!