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Scripture Verse

There remaineth a rest to the people of God. Hebrews 4:9


Lowell Mason (1792–1872)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1740.

Music: Ev­an Will­iam H. Ha­ver­gal, 1847. Ar­ranged by Low­ell Ma­son in New Car­mi­na Sac­ra (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Wil­kins, Car­ter & Com­pa­ny, 1850) (🔊 ).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Lord, I be­lieve a rest re­mains
To all Thy peo­ple known,
A rest where pure en­joy­ment reigns,
And Thou art loved alone.

A rest where all our soul’s de­sire
Is fixed on things above;
Where fear, and sin, and grief ex­pire,
Cast out by per­fect love.

A rest of last­ing joy and peace,
Where all is calm with­in;
’Tis there from own works we cease,
From pride, and self, and sin

Our life is hid with Christ in God;
The ago­ny is o’er;
We wres­tle not with flesh and blood,
We strive with sin no more.

Our spir­it is right, our heart is clean,
Our na­ture is re­newed;
We can­not, no we can­not sin,
For we are born of God.

From ev­ery ev­il mo­tion freed,
The Son hath set us free,
On all the pow­ers of hell we tread,
In glo­ri­ous li­ber­ty.

Redeemed, we walk on ho­ly ground,
In Christ we can­not err:
No li­on in that way is found,
No ra­ven­ous beast is there!

Safe in the way of life, above
Death, earth, and hell we rise;
We find, when per­fect­ed in love,
Our long sought pa­ra­dise.

Within that Ed­en we retire,
We rest in Je­su’s name;
It guards, as a wall of fire,
And a sword of flame.

O that I now the rest might know,
Believe, and en­ter in!
Now, Sav­ior, now the pow­er be­stow,
And let me cease from sin.

Remove this hard­ness from my heart,
This un­be­lief remove:
To me the rest of faith im­part,
The Sab­bath of Thy love.

I groan from sin to be set free,
From self to be re­leased;
O take me, take me in­to Thee,
Mine ev­er­last­ing rest.

I would be Thine; Thou know’st I would,
And have Thee all my own:
Thee, O my all-suf­fi­cient good,
I want, and Thee alone.

Thy name to me, Thy na­ture grant!
This, only this, be giv­en:
Nothing be­side my God I want,
Nothing in earth and Heav­en.

Come, O my Sav­ior, come away,
Into my soul des­cend!
No long­er from Thy crea­ture stay,
My au­thor and my end!

The bliss Thou hast for me pre­pared
No long­er be de­layed;
Come, my ex­ceed­ing great re­ward,
For whom I first was made.

Come, Fa­ther, Son, and Ho­ly Ghost,
And seal me Thine abode!
Let all I am in Thee be lost,
Let all I am be God!