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Scripture Verse

Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief. Mark 9:24


Words: Da­ni­el H. How­ard (1814–1884).

Music: Long­wood (Barn­by) Jo­seph Barn­by, 1872 (🔊 ).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten, or where to get a good pho­to of How­ard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


Lord, I be­lieve: help Thou mine un­be­lief;
Let me no other mas­ter know but Thee.
Thou art the Chris­tian’s God,
The on­ly King and Chief
Of all who sol­diers of the cross would be.

Lord, I be­lieve, in mer­cy grant me grace
To know Thee, bless­èd Sav­ior, more and more;
I can do naught with­out Thee;
Jesus, show Thy face
Unto Thy ser­vant who would Thee ad­ore.

Lord, I be­lieve the hold of sin is strong,
And stout its heart to pluck me from Thy love;
But strong­er is Thy grace;
Oh, strength­en and pro­long
The work of faith in me, my doubts re­move.

Lord, I be­lieve: help Thou mine un­be­lief;
Be this my pray­er though good re­port and ill;
Only to Thee I cling;
If long my day or brief,
Master and Sav­ior, I will trust Thee still!